I believe a designer is the translator of human needs, human desire and things that scientists can accomplish. We, the society, have to face a lot of drastic changes in the upcoming years. Even though that always sounds a bit harsh, it will bring humanity to a whole different level. There will be changes that not all of us will accept at first sight. In my opinion, that’s where the future designer has to take his or hers responsibility.
Driven by incomprehension and dissatisfaction I find it interesting to unite various specific specialisms. With all the experts together, the change of missing a detail in doing research, designing, testing and finalizing of an idea will be nil. Being a translator of human needs, human desire and the increasing amount of possibilities created by scientists you have to question all stakeholders and sometimes even reject an innovation.
Next to a translator, I believe a designer is a public watchdog that always sets the evolvement of the society at the very top.
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