During the past years I learned a lot about myself. Not only by ‘just doing’ and reflecting afterwards, but also in a proactive manner: conducting personality tests. A few years ago, SamHealth tested my personality by doing a DISC Personality Analysis. According to the test, I am a Communicator in the segment Influence. Another personality test classified me as a Campaigner with extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits. Reflecting on these tests, I mostly agree and it helped me to gain insight in who I am and I behave. Seeing myself in the proverbial mirror helped me to accept my pitfalls and to get the maximum out of my strengths. I believe I can describe myself as an enthusiastic, optimistic, convincing and impulsive person. I prefer to accomplish targets with and through people. Instead of working alone, I am more effective when I have company. I am energetic and sometimes I can be careless and chaotically. I am a person that needs acknowledgement.
One of my pitfalls is that I can be too optimistic and have almost no interest in details. Because of this, I make my decisions most of the time in a spontaneous way, based on my own gut feeling. I have a short tension curve and I don’t fancy ongoing conservative routines. I am an encourager and motivator for others and I find myself often negotiating in conflicts. I am submissive and I always try to get the best out of the people around me. I can express myself and my idea’s (in Dutch) on a high level and I like to survey the bigger picture.
I can not overlook the growth areas. I need to challenge myself in being less impulsive and consider first before I decide. I need to learn how to be more result driven instead of process driven since I know that I get energy from creating the actual product or service. Once I understand how such processes could be executed, and once I work with others instead of alone, I can be a well-educated process ánd result driven designer. I need to dwell on details and facts, finish and don’t give up so easily. And finally I need to slow down sometimes so my teammates can follow up. I believe it’s important to reflect on what I am good at, what are my weaknesses and what I want to become. This way I can focus on what I need to develop more and what I should try to avoid.
Over the years, I learned that I am a dreamer, a person with visionary thoughts that randomly generate thoughts throughout my life. I try to use this asset to boost my design projects in the early phases of the project. The vision, the idea, -in other words: the whole story- is invented by the dreamer in me. Afterwards, the realist in me joins the project as well. I am able to realistically reflect on the project. This realist helps me to include business aspects of design within my projects, as I acknowledge the fact that everything in the world is about making money, which I do not see as a negative thing. The challenge of these two different character traits is finding the right balance between them. Once the realists take over the project, dreams are annulled and I see too many obstacles slowing down the process. If the dreamer runs the whole project, I will not achieve a significant end result.