I believe a designer is the translator of human needs, human desire and things that scientists can accomplish. We, the society, have to face a lot of drastic changes in the upcoming years. Even though that always sounds a bit harsh, it will bring humanity to a whole different level. There will be changes that not all of us will accept at first sight. In my opinion, that’s where the future designer has to take his or hers responsibility.
Driven by incomprehension and dissatisfaction I find it interesting to unite various specific specialisms. With all the experts together, the change of missing a detail in doing research, designing, testing and finalizing of an idea will be nil. Being a translator of human needs, human desire and the increasing amount of possibilities created by scientists you have to question all stakeholders and sometimes even reject an innovation. Next to a translator, I believe a designer is a public watchdog that always sets the evolvement of the society at the very top.
Being a public watchdog requires an natural inquisitiveness in the desire of the worlds society. Next to keep educating yourself in the possibilities of technology, it is highly necessary to constantly query the society of it findings of the new technological advancements. The world is getting more and more connected with each other which can be seen as an advantage for the future designer. Query all layers of society has never been so easy and will become more easier over the years. Don’t be afraid of sharing knowledge, embrace the power of connectivity and bring humanity to the next chapter.
Nowadays there is a growing amount of movies and TV series that shows the spectator a world where new technologies are integrated in our society. The shows are constantly testing and searching for the ethical boundaries that we -as a society- lay on. I believe this is an absolute genius way of stimulation a society to form it’s opinion about all the new technologies. For example Black Mirror makes it able to get in contact and see the good and the bad things that can come out of an innovation in a simplified way. Forming an opinion about all the topics that are shown in this matter is not complicated and can be done by everyone.
Personally I want to challenge both scientists and all layers of global society to embrace new technologies. With such new technologies I will focus on livability instead of increasing the lifespan of a human being. Using seamless technological design I want to make the quality of life better for everyone on earth.
In my opinion nowadays innovators are questioning and focussing on there specific target group. That is not just a big mistake of the innovators, is it a threat to society. Query only the direct users of a product will only make the product for this particular group better. I strongly believe in questioning both direct and indirect users of services and product to make sure the environment and the product itself will strengthen instead of harming each other.
My graduation project at the HKU ‘May I ask you a question?’ is a fine start to invigorate my vision on design. ‘May I ask you a question?’ bridges the gap between the society and the designer concerning ethical issues towards innovations. A clear view arises by exposing the user of the installation to modern-day ethical dilemmas, criticising the freedom of movement and responsibility of the designer as well as the user.